

Type: String.

Valid values: path or link to the specification.

module.exports = {
petstore: {
input: {
target: './petstore.yaml',


Type: Boolean.

Default Value: false.

To enforce the best quality as possible of specification, we have integrated the amazing OpenAPI linter from IBM. We strongly encourage you to setup your custom rules with a .validaterc file, you can find all useful information about this configuration here.

module.exports = {
petstore: {
input: {
validation: true,


Type: Object.

Give you the possibility to override the specification


Type: String or Function.

Valid values: path or implementation of the transformer function.

This function is executed when you generate and take in argument an OpenAPIObject and should return an OpenAPIObject.

module.exports = {
input: {
override: {
transformer: 'src/api/transformer/add-version.js',

Example of transformer here


Type: Object.

Default Value: {}.

If specified, Orval only generates the endpoints after applying the filter.


Type: Array of string or RegExp.

Default Value: [].

It is possible to filter on tags. For instance the example below only generates the endpoints that contain the tag pets or matches the regular expression /health/.

module.exports = {
petstore: {
input: {
filters: {
tags: ['pets', /health/],


Type: Array of string or RegExp.

Only schemas names match the specified string or RegExp will be automatically generated. For instance the example below only generates the schema object that matches string Error or regular expression /Cat/.

module.exports = {
petstore: {
input: {
filters: {
schemas: ['Error', /Cat/],


Type: Object.

Default Value: {}.

Orval convert Swagger 2.0 definitions into OpenAPI 3.0.x. You can use the converterOptions property to provide custom config for that. Check here available options.

module.exports = {
petstore: {
input: {
converterOptions: true,


Type: Object.

Default Value: { resolve: { github: githubResolver }, validate: true }.

Orval use a parser to handle multiple files specification. You can use the parserOptions property to provide custom config for that parser. Check here available options. Be default Orval add a github parser but you can add own if you have a private specification or other requirement.

Your specification is automatically validated by default.

module.exports = {
petstore: {
input: {
parserOptions: {
resolve: { gitlab: gitlabResolver },
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