
If you want to generate a hono, define the client property to hono and a template of Hono will be generated in the target file and directory. You can check Hono.

Example of orval.config.js

module.exports = {
petstore: {
input: {
target: './petstore.yaml',
output: {
mode: 'split',
client: 'hono',
target: 'src/petstore.ts',
override: {
hono: {
handlers: 'src/handlers',

Currently, Please note that the hono client only works in split mode.

generate template

orval generates a file like the following:

├── handlers
│ ├── createPets.ts
│ ├── listPets.ts
│ ├── showPetById.ts
│ └── updatePets.ts
├── index.ts
├── petstore.context.ts
├── petstore.schemas.ts
├── petstore.ts
├── petstore.validator.ts
└── petstore.zod.ts
  • petstore.ts: Initializes hono and defines endpoints.
  • handlers: Contains templates for each endpoint.
  • petstore.schemas.ts: Defines request and response schemas.
  • petstore.validator.ts: Implements hono validator.
  • petstore.zod.ts: Defines schemas using zod for validation.
  • petstore.context.ts: Defines context for endpoints.

implement endpoint proccess to handler

Orval generates a handler template for Hono. For example, check out listPets.ts. Validation is defined for request and response. Only the actual processing is not implemented.

import { createFactory } from 'hono/factory';
import { zValidator } from '../petstore.validator';
import { ListPetsContext } from '../petstore.context';
import { listPetsQueryParams, listPetsResponse } from '../petstore.zod';
const factory = createFactory();
export const listPetsHandlers = factory.createHandlers(
zValidator('query', listPetsQueryParams),
zValidator('response', listPetsResponse),
async (c: ListPetsContext) => {},

You can implement the API just by defining the response according to the response schema.

import { createFactory } from 'hono/factory';
import { zValidator } from '../petstore.validator';
import { ListPetsContext } from '../petstore.context';
import { listPetsQueryParams, listPetsResponse } from '../petstore.zod';
const factory = createFactory();
export const listPetsHandlers = factory.createHandlers(
zValidator('query', listPetsQueryParams),
zValidator('response', listPetsResponse),
async (c: ListPetsContext) => {
+ return c.json([
+ {
+ id: 1,
+ name: 'doggie',
+ },
+ ]);

run Hono dev server

you can run and check by wrangler dev commnad. The entrypoint is src/petstore.ts instead of src/index.ts.

yarn wrangler dev src/petstore.ts
curl http://localhost:8787/pets #=> [{"id":1,"name":"doggie"}]

Checkout here the full example. And if you want to develop both the frontend and backend with Typescript using Hono, fetch, and Next.js, please check here as well.

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