If you want to use to the fetch
API as an http client with swr
or TanStack Query
clients, you can change the http client from axios
to fetch
API by setting the httpClient
module.exports = {petstore: {output: {...client: 'swr',httpClient: 'fetch'...},},};
/*** @summary List all pets*/export type listPetsResponse = {data: Pets | BadRequest;status: number;};export const getListPetsUrl = (params?: ListPetsParams) => {const normalizedParams = new URLSearchParams();Object.entries(params || {}).forEach(([key, value]) => {if (value === null) {normalizedParams.append(key, 'null');} else if (value !== undefined) {normalizedParams.append(key, value.toString());}});return normalizedParams.size? `http://localhost:8000/pets?${normalizedParams.toString()}`: `http://localhost:8000/pets`;};export const listPets = async (params?: ListPetsParams,options?: RequestInit,): Promise<listPetsResponse> => {const res = await fetch(getListPetsUrl(params), {...options,method: 'GET',});const data: Pets =[204, 205, 304].includes(res.status) || !res.body ? {} : await res.json();return { status: res.status, data };};export const getListPetsKey = (params?: ListPetsParams) =>[`http://localhost:8000/pets`, ...(params ? [params] : [])] as const;export type ListPetsQueryResult = NonNullable<Awaited<ReturnType<typeof listPets>>>;export type ListPetsQueryError = Promise<Pets | Error>;/*** @summary List all pets*/export const useListPets = <TError = Promise<Pets | Error>>(params?: ListPetsParams,options?: {swr?: SWRConfiguration<Awaited<ReturnType<typeof listPets>>, TError> & {swrKey?: Key;enabled?: boolean;};fetch?: RequestInit;},) => {const { swr: swrOptions, fetch: fetchOptions } = options ?? {};const isEnabled = swrOptions?.enabled !== false;const swrKey =swrOptions?.swrKey ?? (() => (isEnabled ? getListPetsKey(params) : null));const swrFn = () => listPets(params, fetchOptions);const query = useSwr<Awaited<ReturnType<typeof swrFn>>, TError>(swrKey,swrFn,swrOptions,);return {swrKey,...query,};};
When using fetch
as an httpClient
, by default the fetch
response type includes http status.
If use swr
or queries, i will be accessing things like data.data
, which will be noisy so if you want to return a defined return type instead of an automatically generated return type, set override.fetch.includeHttpResponseReturnType
value to false
module.exports = {petstore: {output: {...override: {fetch: {includeHttpResponseReturnType: false,},},},...},};
/*** @summary List all pets*/- export type listPetsResponse = {- data: Pets | BadRequest;- status: number;- };export const listPets = async (params?: ListPetsParams,options?: RequestInit,- ): Promise<listPetsResponse> => {+ ): Promise<Pet> => {const res = await fetch(getListPetsUrl(params), {...options,method: 'GET',});const data: Pets =[204, 205, 304].includes(res.status) || !res.body ? {} : await res.json();- return { status: res.status, data };+ return data;};
Also, if you want to use to the custom fetch client, you can set in the override option.
module.exports = {petstore: {output: {...client: 'swr',httpClient: 'fetch',override: {mutator: {path: './src/mutator.ts',name: 'customFetch',},},},},};