Custom client

You can add a mutator function to your config and setup a custom instance of your preferred HTTP client.

module.exports = {
petstore: {
output: {
override: {
mutator: {
path: './api/mutator/custom-instance.ts',
name: 'customInstance',
// custom-instance.ts
const baseURL = '<BACKEND URL>'; // use your own URL here or environment variable
export const customInstance = async <T>({
}: {
url: string;
method: 'GET' | 'POST' | 'PUT' | 'DELETE' | 'PATCH';
params?: any;
data?: BodyType<unknown>;
responseType?: string;
}): Promise<T> => {
const response = await fetch(
`${baseURL}${url}` + new URLSearchParams(params),
...(data ? { body: JSON.stringify(data) } : {}),
return response.json();
export default customInstance;
// In some case with react-query and swr you want to be able to override the return error type so you can also do it here like this
export type ErrorType<Error> = AxiosError<Error>;
// In case you want to wrap the body type (optional)
// (if the custom instance is processing data before sending it, like changing the case for example)
export type BodyType<BodyData> = CamelCase<BodyType>;

Or, Please refer to the using custom fetch with Next.js sample app here.

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