If you want to generate a mock, define the mock property to true and a mock of MSW will be generated in the target file. You can check MSW to configure MSW correctly in your project.

Example of orval.config.js

module.exports = {
'petstore-file-transfomer': {
output: {
mode: 'single',
target: './src/petstore.ts',
schemas: './src/model',
mock: true,
input: {
target: './petstore.yaml',

The mock definition consists of the following three functions.

  1. A function that returns a mocked value of a schema object
  2. A function that returns the value of binding the mock object to the http request handler of MSW
  3. A function that returns an Array that aggregates all handlers in the file.

A function that returns a mocked value of a schema object

A function that returns a mock object will be generated as shown below:

import { faker } from '@faker-js/faker';
export const getShowPetByIdMock = (overrideResponse?: Partial<Type>): Type => ({
id:{ min: undefined, max: undefined }),
name: faker.word.sample(),
tag: faker.helpers.arrayElement([faker.word.sample(), undefined]),

The value is implemented in faker.js. If you want to overwrite part of the object, you can write the mock value by specifying it as a function argument.

import { getShowPetByIdMock } from 'pets.msw';
const pet = getShowPetByIdMock({ name: 'override' });
// => { id: 7272122785202176, ​name: "override", tag: undefined }

A function that returns the value of binding the mock object to the http request handler of MSW

A function is generated that returns the value of the mock object bound to the MSW http request handler as shown below:

import { HttpResponse, delay, http } from 'msw';
export const getShowPetByIdMockHandler = (overrideResponse?: Pet) => {
return http.get('*/pets/:petId', async () => {
await delay(1000);
return new HttpResponse(
overrideResponse ? overrideResponse : getShowPetByIdMock(),
status: 200,
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',

If you want to overwrite mocked http response object, you can write the object by specifying it as a function argument.

import { Pet } from './gen/model/pet';
import { getShowPetByIdMockHandler } from 'petstore.msw';
const pet: Pet = { id: 1, name: 'test', tag: 'test' };
const showPetByIdMockHandler = getShowPetByIdMockHandler(pet);
// => Object { info: {…}, isUsed: false, resolver: async getShowPetByIdMockHandler(), resolverGenerator: undefined, resolverGeneratorResult: undefined, options: {} }

A function that returns an Array that aggregates all handlers in the file.

Aggregate all functions that return handlers and generate a function that returns as an Array as below:

export const getPetsMock = () => [

You can run the MSW server using this function.

import { getPetsMock } from 'petstore.msw';
import { setupServer } from 'msw/node';
const server = setupServer();
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